Engineered in Dalarna, Sweden

Arctic Paper Grycksbo is located in the heart of Dalarna, Sweden, with a history of paper production dating back to 1740. The mill operates in harmony with its surrounding natural resources and its production is fossil free. All energy used comes from a bio-fueled boiler and additional green electricity from the Swedish grid. Here, the G-Range is produced – a highquality, wood-free coated paper range known for its exceptional runnability, making it the perfect choice for premium printing. This engineered paper features a matt surface, smooth texture, and excellent stiffness. Go for a paper range that meets all your needs. Go for G.

Arctic Paper Grycksbo

Fossil free production of strong paper brands with a long history of craftsmanship

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Innovativt ledarskap: Cradle to Cradle-certifierad®

Alla våra bestrukna papper som produceras vid Arctic Paper Grycksbo har certifierats enligt Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver level.

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Ett hållbart företag

Läs mer om Arctic Papers initiativ när det gäller miljömässig hållbarhet.

Certyfikat och Statement

Printed on G

Our Brands